Hey all!

We've officially had 4 weeks of school! How incredible is that?! I don't know about you but it has gone by in a blur. It's been wild and fun though! When people first started asking me how I liked teaching after the first week or two, I would say, "I think I love it." Now I feel like I can say, "I love it." But you students are definitely what makes it fun and worthwhile. So thank you!

This coming week we'll be reviewing the percentages of profits. I know it's been your favorite lessons to do. 😂 I do believe we will have the girls (Madison, Angel, and Bryson) to teach/help direct the class on Monday. Hopefully we will all be on the same page by Tuesday so we can move into the next chapter that deals with measurement. There will be probably be a quiz or test during the week along with the occasional speed test. No homework for the weekend. Enjoy!

WV History:
We have read through chapter 3 this week and will review it on Monday. We will be working through chapter 4 next week, Sept. 17-21.
Homework for the week: We have started working our way through memorizing all 55 counties, their locations on the map and their county seats. The first 5 that you need to have memorized are:


When we quiz on these on Thursday the 20th, I expect proper spelling. I may also challenge any willing students to a race as I will be learning these as well.

Algebra 1:
No homework this weekend. Enjoy! 
But come Monday, we will jump back into writing out the formulas for various figures. You all did well discussing things in class today! Hopefully once we have grasped that, we can move onto the final lesson of chapter 1 and then move into chapter 2. 

Bible 7/8:
Memory verse quiz is due Friday, September 21st. It is 1 Timothy 4:12
*IMPORTANT* This one will NOT be a fill in the blank. You will need to either recite it out loud to me or write it out. It may be any Bible version but you have to specify on the paper which version you have used. If you are not sure which Bible version you have, check with me and I will make sure we are on the same page for when I grade it.

Bible 9-12:
Memory Verse quiz is due September 21st. 1 Timothy 4:12
*IMPORTANT* This one will NOT be a fill in the blank. You will need to either recite it out loud to me or write it out. It may be any Bible version but you have to specify on the paper which version you have used. If you are not sure which Bible version you have, check with me and I will make sure we are on the same page for when I grade it.

***Parents, I have sent notes home with all the Bible students in 9th-12th. We would like to show some movies occasionally as part of class time. Two of them are PG-13, so if you have any issues with your student watching it, please send back the form stating that they are not to participate in that class time. The three upcoming movies that we will watch over the upcoming months are: 

"Priceless" PG-13 (this movie is based on the reality of human trafficking and it is those mature themes that caused it's rating to be what it is)
"Unconditional" PG-13 (this movie is based on a true story but involves thematic elements that caused the rating)
"The Case For Christ" PG

Have an awesome, rest filled weekend!
Miss Thies
Miss T
"Mommy Thighs"


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